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The following 6 pages of diagrams show the path of the energy from the fingers of the right hand to the toes of the left foot.  There is also a similar path of energy from the fingers of the left hand to the toes of the right foot although that is not illustrated here.


  Pages 1-3 show the path of the energy starting at the back: at thoracic vertebrae 1-5, across the right back, up the back of the right arm, and eventually ending at the bottom of the left foot and toes.

  Pages 4-6 show the path of the energy starting at the front:  at the sternum, going across the right front of the chest, up the front of the right arm, and eventually ending on the top of the left foot and toes.


Holding thumb helps 1st depth, shown as yellow,

Holding index finger helps 4th depth, shown as blue,

Holding middle finger helps 3rd depth, shown as green,

Holding ring finger helps 2nd depth, shown as white,

Holding little finger helps 5th depth, shown as red.


Below are a few examples of the benefits of holding fingers and toes together:


Holding right thumb and left little toe helps to clear the whole path that is shown from right thumb to left little toe.  Holding the thumb helps to dissipate worries, helps digestion, clears the head, helps lung, stomach, spleen and pancreas.  Holding the little toe helps to erase fear, helps urination, helps relieve back and neck tension, helps functions of bladder and kidney.


Holding right index finger and left toe 4 helps to clear the whole path shown from right index finger to left toe 4.  Holding index finger helps to erase fear, helps elimination, breathing.  Holding toe 4 helps gall bladder function, ear ringing.


Holding right middle finger and left middle toe helps clear path between the two.  Holding middle finger helps to harmonize the body, helps to transform anger, helps eyes. Holding middle toe helps body to assimilate the digested food and absorbed oxygen into energy for the body.


Holding right ring finger and left toe 2 helps clear path between the two.  Holding ring finger helps with breathing, helps grief.  Holding toe 2 helps eye function.


Holding right little finger and left big toe helps clear path between the two.  Holding little finger helps heart function, circulation.  Holding big toe helps the exhalation and inhalation, helps stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder functions.     




Page 1 PDF Start at back

Left diagram:  Start at thoracic vertebrae 1 – 5 (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), energy moves across surface of right back, up back of right arm, up back of right hand over the finger tips


Right diagram:  Continues down palm side of fingers, down front of arm, through axilla, through deep inner right chest under sternum, to surface of left chest



Page 2 PDF

Left diagram:  From surface of left chest goes across to front of left arm, to fingers, over the fingertips


Right diagram:  Down back left fingers, down back left arm, goes deep diagonally through left back, through thoracic vertebrae 7-11 (T7, T8, T9, T10, T11), across surface diagonally down right back



Page 3 PDF

Left diagram:  Wraps around right side and goes diagonally deep into right abdomen toward pubic bone, spirals 180 degrees at pubic bone and continues diagonally across left front thigh surface toward lateral thigh and knee. Note that path of 1st depth (yellow) is now lowermost and 5th depth (red) is uppermost since the spiral at the pubic bone.


Right diagram:  Wraps around lateral side of left leg and goes down back of left leg, through bottom surface of left foot, 1st depth (yellow) from right thumb ending in left little toe, 4th depth (blue) from index finger ending in toe 4, 3rd depth (green) from middle finger ending in middle toe, 2nd depth  (white) from ring finger ending in toe 2, and 5th depth (red) from right little finger ending in left big toe.



Page 4 PDF: Start at front

 Left diagram:  Begins at sternum, goes across surface of right chest, up front right arm, up palm and fingers, over finger tips


Right diagram:  Down back side of right fingers, down back right arm, goes deep across right back, through thoracic vertebrae 1-5 (T1-T5) area to left back surface



Page 5 PDF

Left diagram:  Goes across left back surface from T1-T5 area, goes up back of left arm, up back of left hand and fingers, over finger tips


Right diagram:  Down palm side of fingers and hand, down left front arm, diagonally deep through left chest coming to the surface in right front abdomen



Page 6 PDF

Left diagram:  Wraps around to back side of right hip, going diagonally and deep in right   hip toward coccyx, at coccyx spirals 180 degrees and goes down diagonally across back surface of left thigh to lateral side of thigh and knee.  Note that 1st depth (yellow) is lowermost and 5th depth (red) is uppermost after the spiral at the coccyx. 


Right diagram:  Wraps around lateral thigh/knee to front of left lower leg and goes down front of leg and top of foot ending in toes.  Note that 1st depth (yellow) from right thumb ends in left little toe, 4th depth (blue) from right index finger ends in toe 4, 3rd depth (green) from middle finger ends in middle toe, 2nd depth (white) from ring finger ends in toe 2, and 5th depth (red) from right little finger ends in left big toe.




 Many people have reported remarkable changes from holding fingers and opposite toes.  Holding the combination of fingers and toes helps all the structures along the paths of these invisible energies circulating through the body, for example, ribs, arms, fingers, lungs, sternum, vertebrae, intestines, reproductive organs, legs, feet, heart, stomach, hip, muscles, skin surface, joints. Heart function is helped by holding thoracic vertebra #5, or left little finger and right big toe. From the left side of the body, practitioner uses his/her right hand to hold patient’s left little finger and his/her left hand to hold patient’s right big toe.  Holding fingers and opposite toes can be done easily if a person is in a hospital bed, and helps the person to heal. Hold each combination of finger and toe for 3 minutes, so all 10 fingers and toes are held in 30 minutes.  For “scary labels” people have held fingers and toes every 8 hours.   Holding left and right sides of the body helps to harmonize all the functions.